Brand New U Coaching

Clarity of Purpose
There is only one you.
Learn who you really are and what you uniquely offer that can benefit others. The result is a more confident individual ready to live out your fullest potential.

Peace of Mind
In a sea of clutter and chaos, you can remain peaceful.
Goal achievement can be complicated and stressful, but with our help, you will gain a clear and focused picture to stay present in the moment and move you into your best future.

A Plan of Action
Together, we’ll create a strategic, individualized plan to help you reinvent yourself, empower your strengths and prioritize what matters most.

Grow with Goals is a proactive, interactive, and transformational approach to goal setting. Journal and workbook pages are included for maximum benefit. It isn’t just about making resolutions or setting a to-do list to achieve; it’s about reaching your goals – the right ones – with peace and joy.
A How to Guide for Activating Your Purpose
We offer refreshing team development, executive and personal coaching and business consulting to boost your effectiveness, utilizing our proprietary process:

An authentic, unplugged time to reflect and outline past and current trends compared to what you specifically want moving forward.

Initiate and energize results by connecting to your identity and uniqueness. In this phase, our coaches work with you to create empowering solutions as well as hold you accountable.

Merge self awareness and action as you achieve optimal levels of flow and gratification in your personal, family and business lives.

Tom Ziglar,
Ziglar Inc.
“Jill was nicknamed the "Bear Hunter", by my father, Zig Ziglar for her prowess in working with our large clients. She has a talent for working for large organizations and helping them solve the challenges they face by helping their people grow to the next level."

Jay & April Pointer,
Young Living Essential Oils
"I can’t imagine my life without my coach, Jill Hellwig! Turning our Dreams into Goals and evaluating our purpose, calling and our assignments was just what we needed right now to totally transform a few things in our home. They are three very different and distinct parts of life. I'm excited for what is in store for the Pointer home and our business in the next 5-10 years."

Chrystal Evans Hurst
Author, She’s Still There and Kingdom Woman
"Brand New U programs are designed to provide a point of connection to hook up those who have information with those who need it. Many women need a simple "how to” to help them get started. This coaching program provided a sounding board, clarity of purpose and the encouragement I needed to find my true value."
What Others are Saying...

Select a time to talk with one of our team members to discover our services and how we can best serve you and your company.

Our team is ready to listen and find the best solution to ensure that you get the right program for your needs.